Top 7 Roofing CRM Software for 2023

If you handle sales in the roofing sector, you are aware of how fiercely competitive it can be. In your neighborhood, at least a dozen different businesses are fighting for clients.

Fortunately, there is a growing need for your skills. The demand for residential roofing is expected to increase by 0.7% annually, reaching 164.1 million squares in 2024, according to experts. A roofing CRM is an investment you should make if you want to take the biggest possible slice of that pie.

This article will describe roofing CRM software, how it may help companies like yours, what features to look for, and which roofing CRMs are the best available in 2023.

What Is A CRM For Roofing?

Roofers may monitor leads, engage with prospects, generate income, and handle other aspects of the roofing sales process with the use of a roofing CRM.

There are several CRMs available. Some offer subpar feature sets yet are completely free. Others have all the bells and whistles you could ever desire, but to use them successfully, you need a degree in rocket science. The most effective roofing CRMs are in the center.

In a subsequent part of this essay, we’ll discuss and evaluate seven particular CRMs. Just know that this kind of software will make the sales process simpler, enable you to complete more transactions than ever before, and effectively manage your salespeople in a manner that encourages retention.

Let’s discuss the advantages of CRM for roofers in greater detail.

The Advantages Of A Roofing CRM

We are aware of your thoughts:

Is purchasing roofing CRM software really necessary? I have so many other costs already. We understand. However, this sort of instrument will help your business in a number of ways.

Automate Marketing and Sales

Every business aspires to increase productivity. One of the simplest ways to make it a reality is automation. Your representatives will be able to automatically record prospect information, identify their best leads, and send customized emails and texts if you invest in a top-notch roofing CRM.

Control and develop leads

Where in the sales funnel are your leads? You may get the answer to that query with a roofing CRM. Your salespeople will precisely know which prospects to concentrate on after you accomplish this. (Hint: the people who are now most likely to make purchases.) Believe us. At this time, your close rate will skyrocket.

Promoting group cooperation

In the roofing sector, poor internal communication is a typical problem. A roofing CRM will facilitate communication between salespeople, not simply with prospects. The use of such a technology will also maintain communication between the customer support, sales, and marketing departments. How? Everyone will be able to exchange notes, access the same data, and work together in real time in various ways.

encouraging rep accountability

What are my salespeople doing? is a regular concern for sales managers. Are they making the most of their time? How far away from quota are they all? A roofing CRM will provide you with individual activity logs, notes, etc. to assist you in understanding what your representatives perform on a regular basis. Your salespeople will be held responsible since they will know you can see what they do.

Get Performance And Activity Insights

Is your sales approach effective? You won’t know unless you take a look at the data, which is accessible within a roofing CRM. Always be aware of the activities your salespeople do and the outcomes they get. Afterward, analyze performance and alter plans using this knowledge. Even better, you can create customized reports using tools like SPOTIO that only include the KPIs and data you care about. This greatly simplifies the reporting procedure.

7 features to look for in a roofing CRM

You are aware of the benefits of having a roofing CRM for your business. But first, let’s discuss the qualities your CRM needs to have before we compare individual solutions:

Activity Control

Do you know the everyday activities of your reps? You ought should!

Select a CRM that keeps an account of visits done in person, calls made, emails sent, texts sent, etc. Bonus points if the tool displays these reports on simple dashboards.

Having access to this data will enable you to identify the causes of underperformance. Do your reps lack effort? Do they need better instruction? Do you need to modify your sales strategy?

Task Automation for Sales

Don’t burden your representatives with time-consuming data input activities.

Select a CRM that records information about prospect interactions automatically. You’ve got a genuine winner if you can get one that automates email and text message marketing as well.

Recall that one of the greatest methods to increase productivity is via automation. Don’t accept a CRM that is missing this functionality. You’ll come to regret it.

The Customer Map

You oversee a field sales team since you operate in the roofing sector. Make certain that the CRM you choose has customer mapping capabilities.

Your sales representatives will find it much simpler to locate buy-now prospects, create successful sales routes, find new places to target, and manage their territory in other ways.

Canvassing and scheduling appointments

Do you have canvassers and closers on your sales team?

Then you must ensure that your roofing CRM software has capabilities tailored specifically for canvassers. They will be able to take notes, set up appointments, and conveniently record data as a result.

By enabling consumers to easily give closers access to all of this information, apps like SPOTIO take things to the next level. In this method, sales won’t be lost during the shift.

Communications Over Multiple Channels

You may be in charge of a field sales team, but if your salespeople don’t also contact other reps by phone, email, and text, they are undoubtedly out of touch.

Make sure these types of communications are supported by your CRM. The technology you use should ideally enable multi-channel communication while also assisting you in tracking it. In this manner, you may assess reps and teach them to better performance in the future using the data the app gathers.

Analytics And Reporting

Without data, you can’t manage a sales staff very well.

Because of this, your preferred roofing CRM has to have a strong reporting and analytics dashboard. preferably one that monitors important parameters like representative activity and transaction size.

Better still, if the CRM you purchase supports customizable reporting. You will have total control over the reporting procedure as a result, which will probably result in more sales and better strategies.


Your CRM is very significant. However, it would be absurd to believe that it is the sole tool required by your sales staff. That is like to asking your installation team to mend a roof using just a hammer.

In light of this, choose a CRM that connects with the other software products your team often utilizes, or one that gets along with other CRMs. Everything, including sales enablement, document management, and distribution technologies, should be taken into account.

The Top 7 Roofer CRM Platforms for 2023


Best for: Rapidly expanding sales teams

4.4 stars out of 239 for the G2 rating.

The best CRM and sales interaction tool for mobile sales teams is SPOTIO. Why? Considering that it has been shown to increase rep production by an astounding 46%. In addition, it has all the top features that contemporary merchants want, yet it’s quite simple to utilize.

Key characteristics:

  • Utilize SPOTIO Sales Intelligence to generate high-quality leads. Use 200+ data points to quickly filter leads to locate people that need roofing services right now.
  • On a desktop or mobile device, cut regions and map prospects or clients. Pins that represent customized data points on your digital maps should then be color-coded.
  • Determine the field’s most effective pathways between stations. This will decrease time spent behind the wheel and increase both individual and group productivity.
  • Utilize the SPOTIO mobile app to automatically record data when canvassing, schedule meetings while out in the field, and quickly provide closers with information as required.
  • Create and keep track of multichannel communication sequences that include automated email and text messages, as well as calls and in-person reminders.
  • Know what your representatives are doing at all times. View their trip records, find out who they’ve texted, contacted, or emailed, and keep tabs on each of their purchases.
  • Make customized reports that only include the KPIs you are interested in. To enable future automated generation of report parameters, save them.

Learn how HomePro used SPOTIO to revolutionize its sales process and overcome the hurdles of fast development.

2. AccuLynx

Best for: A total roofing remedy

18 reviewers give the G2 4.1 stars overall.

Specifically created for roofing contractors, AccuLynx offers CRM, project management, and even financial monitoring services to help them expand their operations. Unfortunately, several customers complain that the AccuLynx is difficult to operate and has poor scaling.

Key Elements:

  • Using the AccuLynx CRM capabilities, you can manage leads, engage with prospects, save documents, and transmit contracts with e-signatures.
  • Keep track of roofing tasks, evaluate the status of each project, and communicate with team members via the in-app chat system.
  • Utilize systems for invoicing, collecting payments, and monitoring commissions to manage the company’s money. Users may also provide financing choices to clients.

3. HubSpot

Best for: Budget-conscious roofing firms

4.4 stars, based on 10,088 reviews, for the G2

One of the most widely used CRM systems worldwide is HubSpot. The free CRM is one of its finest features. You did read it correctly. Users may get a free, but limited, CRM from HubSpot. It can be a nice match if you are the owner of a small roofing business.

Key Elements:

  • Manage contacts with ease. Either manually enter them or instruct HubSpot to automatically get them from employee inboxes and/or form submission forms.
  • View every step of your pipeline at once. Check to see how close to a sale each prospect is. Utilize this data after that to arrange cash flow and anticipate future outcomes.
  • For each of your salespeople, keep track of numerous communications. Check out who they are contacting and phoning, and whether or not they are getting results.
  • You may also get sales statistics inside HubSpot. Build specialized reports while enjoying high data security for representatives, business executives, and others.

4. IRoofing

Best for: Calculating roofing projects

4.8 stars on three reviews for G2

IRoofing is up next. This software was created exclusively for roofing experts, as you would anticipate. When utilized as a project estimating tool, it truly shines since it enables users to virtually view and measure roofs.

Key Elements:

  • Create a customer database to keep track of your present clients, arrange field meetings with them, and oversee your roofing projects.
  • Utilize the in-app roof simulator to see roofs in detail. You will get access to a wide variety of materials since it collaborates with several producers.
  • Roofs are measured in minutes. Based on the materials your clients prefer or/or require, you may then quickly convert these measurements into precise project estimates.
  • By placing material orders via the iRoofing app from your supplier, you may streamline your workflow. Accuracy and mistake rates both rise as a result.

5. JobNimbus

Favorable for: Increasing profitability

G2 rating: 4.6 out of 60 stars.

More than 4,000 roofers use JobNimbus to manage jobs, organize leads, increase sales, and simplify invoicing. For small teams wanting to increase profitability, it’s fantastic.

Key Elements:

  • Organize your leads so that your salespeople always know who and when to contact.
  • Send the appropriate communications to leads at the appropriate moments to maximize sales.
  • Manage all of your tasks in one place. To see the status of sales, production, and cash flow, use the “Boards” function, sometimes known as digital whiteboards.
  • Easily manage past-due bills, automate payment collection, and integrate QuickBooks to streamline billing procedures.

6. Pipedrive

most effective for visualizing sales pipelines

4.2 stars, based on 1,619 reviews, for G2.

Sales teams across several industries utilize Pipedrive. It is most well-known for its pipeline visualization capabilities, which make it simple to quickly understand sales processes. Drag-and-drop capabilities allow users to change offers as well, which is useful.

Key Elements:

  • Create a mental image of your sales process so you can always be aware of what is happening in your division. With the drag-and-drop interface, deals may be changed with ease.
  • Use automation to speed up time-consuming operations, screen new leads, plan email sequences to be sent at regular intervals, and more.
  • Give the Pipedrive sales assistant access to your team’s prior results so that it can provide you with real-time sales advice. You could get improved results if you do this.
  • Create specialized sales reports to emphasize certain goals and unearth novel insights. Forecast future outcomes, track negotiations, and more.

7. Salesforce

Ideal for: Business-level operations

G2 evaluation: 4.3 out of 10; 13,597

Given that Salesforce is the all-time best-selling CRM, you have undoubtedly heard of it. As one of the first, its designers have had a long time to add and enhance features. Know that you can do practically any customer relationship management work if you use this CRM for roofing. However, using the tool is somewhat difficult.

Key Elements:

  • Give Salesforce additional information about your transactions. Who are you up against? How far along is the deal? And how do you go forward? Salesforce is aware.
  • Limit the time-consuming manual tasks that your salespeople must do on a daily basis. Salesforce automation may be used to improve productivity and simplify processes.
  • Get a thorough understanding of your pipeline. Utilize this data after that to accurately predict future sales and manage cash flow.


Which CRM Software For Roofing Is Best For Your Company?

A roofing CRM is necessary if you’re serious about expanding your firm. Thankfully, there are many excellent choices available. Simply choose the one that works best for your team.

Make it simple for yourself by trying SPOTIO.

Our platform was created especially for mobile sales teams. It thus offers all the capabilities required for you to connect with more prospects, complete more transactions, and experience more success.

But don’t simply believe what we say. Register for a free SPOTIO demo right now. Each feature will be explained to you in detail, along with examples of how it might increase sales, by a member of our staff.


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