Which CRM is best for accountants? Here are our top 8 choices

An accounting firm’s environment might be rather chaotic. Along with maintaining your clients’ books, you also need to engage consumers effectively, spot chances for expansion, and close leads.

How can you maintain control over all that client data as your business expands? How do you oversee client relations? And how do you learn about the requirements and behaviors of your customers? CRM software is the solution.

This essay will discuss:

  • CRM software definition
  • CRM’s advantages for accountants
  • some of the top CRM tools available

CRM software: What is it?

CRM software assists firms in managing relationships with both current and future customers.

A CRM system is essentially a customer management database that makes it simple to retrieve client information. However, the majority of contemporary systems provide further capability for analytics, process management, and automation.

With a cutting-edge CRM program, you can:

When you meet with your client for the first time, it’s a good idea to bring this onboarding checklist with you to make sure you don’t forget anything and create a good impression.

In other words, any accounting firm’s IT stack must have a CRM system. It enables you to satisfy customer expectations while running a more effective and successful firm.

What are the advantages of adopting a CRM platform for accounting firms?

While almost every organization may use a CRM to their advantage, accounting firms have certain requirements. In contrast to certain businesses where clients frequently make one-time purchases and then depart, accounting firms aim to build lasting relationships with their clients. Here are a few of the ways a CRM may assist you in doing that.

Better customer communications: A CRM helps automate and streamline your client contacts. For instance, you may send timely notifications about approaching tax due dates, modifications to regulatory specifications, or significant business news. Additionally, you may contact leads and build a more effective pipeline.

A CRM may assist you in managing and keeping track of all client conversations, preferences, and service histories. Then, you can utilize this data to provide clients with better services that are more tailored to their needs.

Enhanced organizational effectiveness: You may automate and streamline important procedures like scheduling appointments, organizing projects, and keeping track of invoicing and payment details. Your team will be freed from tedious manual tasks as a result, giving them more time to concentrate on adding genuine value to your company.

Improved data management: CRMs serve as a central database for all of your customer information. This lowers human error, making it simpler to access and use important information, and guarantees adherence to the most recent data protection laws.

8 top CRM tools for accountants

Let’s examine some of the top possibilities available now that we are familiar with what CRM solutions are and the advantages they may provide. Here are our best CRMs for accounting businesses, listed in no particular order.

1. Zoho CRM

Zoho CRM, a well-liked tool for accountants and bookkeepers at both small and large businesses, starts off our list. Businesses may increase efficiency, improve customer interactions, and make more data-driven choices because of it.

The majority of accounting software, as well as other third-party apps, are well-integrated with Zoho CRM. Its salient characteristics are as follows:

  • automated lead scoring for lead management
  • Deal management software that enables you to track, prioritize, and keep an eye on your sales funnel
  • Processes that are automated to lessen manual labor
  • Multiple contact management channels
  • Comprehensive analytics to facilitate wiser decision-making

Advantages: A range of price options to accommodate accounting businesses of all sizes and types. The extensive customization possibilities that let you create individualized fields, styles, and automation procedures are also well-liked by users.

Cons: Some customers criticize Zoho CRM for having a difficult learning curve that overwhelms novice users.

2. Salesforce

The CRM industry’s juggernaut Salesforce is a name that almost everyone will recognize. It currently controls a third of the worldwide CRM market and is the market leader. Therefore, they must be succeeding in some way.

Salesforce has a variety of tools for managing clients and sales. Unsurprisingly, an astounding 73% of sales professionals utilize it. Having said that, it is also a solid option for accounting companies due to its extensive feature set and automation possibilities. Among Salesforce’s important attributes are:

  • lead supervision
  • Management of accounts and clients
  • management of pipelines and forecasts
  • Process automation
  • customizable dashboards and reports
  • Access on the move with a mobile app

Pros: You can handle almost all of your internal processes with Salesforce. However, it excels at managing sales and converting potential clients into paying customers.

Cons: In comparison to its rivals, some users believe Salesforce has an antiquated appearance and feel.

3. Hubspot

Another well-known name on the list, Hubspot is a CRM that aids companies in improving lead generation, customer connections, and pipeline management.

The most valuable benefit Hubspot provides may be a totally free CRM tool. It has fewer connections, integrations, and functionality than you may think. Nevertheless, it’s a fantastic product for anyone on a limited budget.

In addition, Hubspot has a premium CRM called Hubspot Sales Hub that has a considerably wider range of functions, such as:

  • advanced reporting and analytics
  • Tracking calls and emails
  • monitoring and management of documents
  • Automated sales
  • Intelligent conversation and AI-driven insights

Pros: For the majority of small enterprises, the free version is a wonderful place to start. The premium version is robust but simple to use.

Cons: The premium edition might be pricey. You would have to spend more the more marketing connections you require it to manage.

4. Pipedrive

Pipedrive is another well-known CRM, with more than 100,000 users in 179 nations. It is intended to handle the sales-related aspects of customer relationship management, although accounting organizations can also benefit from using it.

Pipedrive is largely concerned with the sales pipeline, as the name would imply. It offers a graphic depiction of where your leads are in the sales process. This enables you to make more informed choices that move them up the funnel. Key elements consist of:

  • Leading and managing deals
  • Email communications and tracking
  • Automating tasks using AI
  • several strong third-party integrations
  • customizable insights and reports
  • mobile application

Benefits: A simple solution for accounting businesses that need more insight into their sales funnel.

Cons: Less customizable and maybe more basic than other rival CRMs for accountants.

5. Freshsales

Freshsales, a cloud-based CRM that is a part of the Freshworks software line, offers sophisticated lead and contact management solutions. It is a good option for accounting businesses since it interfaces with several well-known accounting programs.

Your sales cycle will be shortened and your income will increase with Freshworks. Its salient characteristics are as follows:

  • streamlined sales procedures
  • AI-powered insights to complete deals more quickly
  • Web forms that may be customized to collect client data
  • Using web analytics, you may determine the purpose of visitors.
  • Real-time AI chatbots that interact with consumers

Pros: Customers appreciate Freshsales’ user-friendly layout and intuitive user experience, which make it a very simple product to learn and use. You can combine sales with support in one location thanks to seamless interfaces with other Freshworks technologies.

Cons: Some reviewers have criticized the occasionally poor technical help offered.

6. Copper

Copper is a CRM that has no learning curve and is intended to make managing and interacting with clients for businesses simpler. With 30k firms utilizing it globally, it is a rising star in the CRM industry.

Copper offers easy connectivity with all G Suite products and was also developed with Google in mind. This makes it enticing to accounting businesses that depend on Google products like Gmail, Docs, Calendar, and more. Key elements consist of:

  • pipeline management and sales
  • You can reach out to the appropriate clients at the right time with the use of automated reminders.
  • Your messages and calendars are automatically synced thanks to G Suite connections.
  • Customizable projects, pipelines, and procedures
  • Slack, DocuSign, Quickbooks, and several other integrations

Pros: Copper has the fastest time to ROI and is ranked first in “Payback” on G2. This is due to its usability and simplicity, which enables users to get up and running quickly. a preferred option for Google users.

Cons: One review claims that the amount of integrations you may utilize depends on how many people you have paid for. As a result, alternatives may be restricted for small teams.

7. Monday.com

Another well-known brand in the office software industry is Monday.com. They provide a CRM platform in addition to their well-liked job management system. In addition to managing their projects, activities, and workflows, this enables accounting companies to manage their clients and leads.

Monday.com is undoubtedly a high-caliber product as seen by some of the top customer evaluations you’re likely to encounter. Unsurprisingly, they were selected by the review website G2 as one of the top Global Software firms of 2023. The CRM solution from Monday.com enables you to:

  • Lead management, scoring, and qualification
  • Track your goals, pipelines, and performance.
  • Sync emails for sales
  • Manage customer information and client interactions in a single location.

Pros: This CRM transforms into a comprehensive solution for managing all of your internal procedures and processes when integrated with Monday.com’s work management platform.

Cons: Despite being a great tool, some users complain that Monday may be pricey. Others claim that individuals who are unfamiliar with this technology have a quite high learning curve.

8. Observably

Last but certainly not least is Insightly, a collection of software solutions for sales, marketing, and customer support. For small firms, its integrated CRM software is a great option. You may benefit from business-wide insights and efficiency when used in conjunction with other Insightly technologies.

One of the best features of Insightly is its AppConnect platform, which makes it simple and quick to create connections with virtually any third-party product. As a result, Insightly serves as a focal point for all of your accounting-related workflows, procedures, and information.

The Insightly CRM allows you to:

  • Manage leads, create a sales funnel, and seize chances.
  • Processes that are automated and scalable can increase productivity.
  • To offer clarity and openness to the sales process, create pricing books and quotations.
  • Organize jobs and projects

Advantages: Insightly is renowned for being user-friendly. It is an effective CRM for accountants since it can be integrated with your current tech stack.

Cons: Although Insightly offers a wide range of features, it lacks a native tool for creating online forms.